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My services are currently on a sliding scale. My intention is to offer these services to all who seek guidance, healing, and support. Please choose the appropriate amount within the range according to your income level. Venmo, Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted. Credit cards include a small processing fee.



Energy Psychology & Spiritual Psychology Life Coaching Counseling are sliding scale range between $115-$170 per hour. (50 minutes) and $170-$245 for an hour and a half (80 minutes). 


Energy Medicine Sessions are currently on a sliding scale range between $115-$170 per hour. (50 minutes) and $170-$245 for an hour and a half (80 minutes). 

*For more information and what to expect, please check out the Services tab.


Consultations for Insight & Clarity Sessions are sliding scale range between $115-$170 per hour. (50 minutes) and $170-$245 for an hour and a half (80 minutes). (this includes Medical & Standard Mediumship)


The majority of my clients make payments in the middle of these sliding scale ranges. Any amount within the range that you are able to offer will be accepted and appreciated. My intention with this work is for the purpose of healing and not to exclude anyone from receiving a reading due to financial constraints.


Multi-Dimensional Healing and Reiki 1 & 2 Combination Training: I offer this in an individual session, as well as in a class environment. Classes are typically scheduled quarterly. You will receive certification to be an independent Reiki level 1 & 2 practitioner, as well as an independent Multi-Dimensional Healing Level 1 & 2 practitioner. 

For individual training, this includes three 1-1.5 hour sessions and the cost is $375 for individual or class sessions. Read more here.


Multi-Dimensional Healing and Reiki ART/Master Teacher Combination Training:

 I offer this in an individual session, as well as in a class environment. Classes are typically scheduled quarterly. You will receive certification to be an independent Reiki ART/Master Teacher, as well as an independent Multi-Dimensional Healing Master.  

For individual training, this includes four 1-1.5 hour sessions and the cost is $600 for individual or class sessions. Read more here





The button below can be used to make a payment for gift cards and workshops.


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